Nov. 10, 2010
Something to think about.....
"Over reaching" is a term often used to describe the backlash when you go too
far. This sums up what Democrats did last year when they pushed through a
massive heath care bill with a degree of tone-deaf arrogance rarely seen by a
political class anxious to gain support from the electorate.
The most notable failure of the Democratic leadership was the top down approach
used to pass the health care bill. The leadership introduced a bill that was not even
written by the last Congress. It was legislation previously written, just waiting for a
Democrat to be elected President. And with President Obama Congress thought
they had the right man to husband whatever legislation it wanted to pass.
This all encompassing 3000 page bill filled with goodies for favored constituencies
and paid for by others was the catalyst to bring us to where we are today. This act
stands as the poster child to "over reaching", which thankfully brought the election
results which hopefully represent the people's interests, rather than special ones.
Last week's election results clearly showed how the majority of Americans felt asSomething to think about.....
"Over reaching" is a term often used to describe the backlash when you go too
far. This sums up what Democrats did last year when they pushed through a
massive heath care bill with a degree of tone-deaf arrogance rarely seen by a
political class anxious to gain support from the electorate.
The most notable failure of the Democratic leadership was the top down approach
used to pass the health care bill. The leadership introduced a bill that was not even
written by the last Congress. It was legislation previously written, just waiting for a
Democrat to be elected President. And with President Obama Congress thought
they had the right man to husband whatever legislation it wanted to pass.
This all encompassing 3000 page bill filled with goodies for favored constituencies
and paid for by others was the catalyst to bring us to where we are today. This act
stands as the poster child to "over reaching", which thankfully brought the election
results which hopefully represent the people's interests, rather than special ones.
they voted out Democrats and gave Republicans a majority. The public's angst
would have been surprising if we were to believe the positive reporting by the
mostly media which lauded the benefits of the health care bill with scant mention
of the concerns. Fortunately, many Americans took the time to do what many in
Congress did not do, they read the bill!
Health care legislation is the largest expansion of government since FDR was
president and proved to be too much as the biggest rebuff of big govt in our history
was displayed from coast to coast.
If there was a serious desire to strengthen the weak spots in the American health
care industry Congress could have reached back to the last major effort to pass
health care in 1993, well known as "Hillary Care". It would have been wiser if it
dusted off that bill and introduced it once again.
"Hillary Care" was one third the size of what Congress passed in 2009. The bill
was simple, clear and I am certain could have held up to public scrutiny.
The minutia and complexity of this health care bill is too costly and will lead to
uncounted and incalculable unintended consequences.
A Republican majority Congress will push to repeal the existing bill and introduce
targeted legislation to benefit those who need assistance, not create another
multi-tentacled agency.
We all want better health care, so perhaps the new Congress can go "Back to the
Future" and give the American people legislation all can agree on.
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